Rosetta Stone Language Software

I know a little bistro…

I know (am familiar with)
conozco / je connais / conosco
(co-noss-co / zhuh con-nay / co-noss-co)

French – un bistro (uhn bee-stro)
Unfortunately, you’ll have to settle for restaurants and cafés in Italy and Spain; they don’t have a precise equivalent as far as I know. Which is a shame, because “I know a little bistro…” has a ring about it that can’t be matched by “I know this restaurant…”

pequeño / petit / piccolo
(pay-kay-nyo / puh-tee / pee-co-lo)

I know a little bistro…
Conozco un restaurante pequeño…
Je connais un petit bistro…
Conosco un ristorante piccolo…

There is what you would probably say if you wanted to say, “I know a little bistro…” Legend has it that the bistro gets its name from the Russian “byistro” (quickly), describing how Russian migrants promised to serve their customers in the little establishments – the original fast food! The Petit Robert dismisses this hypothesis, since the word didn’t appear until 75 years after the Russians, but it still makes a good story.